Find baijiu ratings, reviews, and where to buy baijiu. We're a community of baijiu-beginners and baijiu experts, with a primary focus on baijiu availble in the US.
Find baijiu ratings, reviews, bars, and places to buy baijiu. We're a community of baijiu-beginners and baijiu experts, with a primary focus on baijiu availble in the US. Ganbei!
What is baijiu?
It's the world's most popular spirit you've never heard of - a strong, opinionated distilled spirit from China. More baijiu is drunk each year than whiskey, scotch, and vodka - combined. To learn more, there are great resources here - but the best way to learn about baijiu is to crack open a bottle and raise a glass. You can use our locator to find where to buy baijiu near you.